Reception – Sun, Sea and Safari

Project Overview

In Reception this half term we have been learning through the topic ‘Sun, Sea and Safari’. Throughout this topic, we have focused our learning on the stories ‘Handa’s Surprise’ and ‘Tiddler’.

We begun our learning on ‘Handa’s Surprise’ with an exciting experience day to learn all the about the African country, Kenya. We learnt about the colourful, brightly patterened fabrics that are typical of Kenyan clothes and we designed our very own Kenyan t-shirts. After this, we practised using a variety of different materials to make clay mud huts – similar to the homes than can be found in some villages of Kenya. We also learnt about music played in Kenya and compared the similarities and differences to music we listen to in the UK. 

As we came towards the end of our learning about Handa, she left us a special postcard and a new story ‘Tiddler’. The children were fascinated by the array of wonderful sea creatures in the story, so we decided to make our very own sea creatures. The children had to think carefully about the features of their chosen sea creature and they learnt how to fill a page when drawing. Finally, they carefully painted their fantastic sea creatures. We were also engaged in a variety of other sea related activities, such as; creating our very own under the sea videos using a green screen, making Tiddler fish, making jellyfish and of course, writing all about Tiddler’s fascinating journey. 


What The Student Says

“I liked painting the jellyfish. It was hard but then I could do it”  – RSP pupil

I loved making the fish. I make lots of them! It is so pretty” – RSP pupil

“Making the sea video was fun. I liked pretending to be a shark” – RPJ pupil

What skills were developed?

The children have:

  • Developed their technology skills to create a piece of digital media
  • Developed their understanding of a variety of different land and sea creatures
  • Developed their drawing and painting skills
  • Developed their fine motor skills
  • Developed their understanding of spirals and patterns
  • Developed their understanding of the country Kenya and compared similarities and differences between Kenya and the UK

What The Teacher Says

“I really enjoyed seeing how excited the children have been to learn during this topic. I have been impressed with their ability to compare similarities and differences between countries, clothes, animals and music.” – Miss Jasper, RPJ Class Teacher