We would like you to meet our new school goats Pedro and Pablo!
We have recently picked up our Pygmy Goats from a Goat Farm in Harrogate. We asked all the children for ideas and have decided to name the white one Pablo (suggestion from Reception) and the brown one Pedro (suggestion from 4EB). Looking after the goats will become part of the school routine. Each class will take it in turns for a week to take on the responsibility of caring for them. This will encourage all our children to learn about caring for animals and the responsibility that goes with it.
Miss Taylor will be running an animal care club after school on Tuesday nights, where the children will learn more about caring for the goats, including feeding, brushing and cleaning them out. We will also be advertising for Goat Keepers to be responsible for overseeing their care. The children will complete an application form to apply for these roles.