What’s New in Art

Artist, Asleigh Beattie visits year 5 and 6 assembly

Year 5 and 6 had a special visit from visual artist, Ashleigh Beattie as part of our Leeds 2023 collaboration with Leeds Art Gallery. Ashleigh works with everyday household items and turns them into sculptures and art installations to tell stories. It was a privilege to hear Ashleigh speak about her work and share her passion for art with our children. Year 5 and 6 had lots of brilliant questions to ask about her career and early childhood living in Zimbabwe. A fabulous experience for all involved.

Queen Elizabeth II commemorative stamps

Our school Arts Council wanted to commemorate the life and legacy of Queen Elizabeth II. During the national period of mourning the children came together to discuss ideas for a whole school art project. They decided that every child would make a Royal stamp. Every child from EYFS to Year 6 created a stamp which incorporated elements of art including line, colour, pattern, and value. The stamps are displayed proudly on a large board in the main hall.

Achieving the Artsmark Gold Award!

We are thrilled to announce that Clapgate has been successful in achieving Artsmark Gold Award in recognition of our fantastic arts provision! This is an amazing achievement to be celebrated and recognises the hard work of our children, staff and governors. The Artsmark Award is the only creative quality standard for schools and educational settings accredited by Arts Council England. This significant award shows a real commitment to arts and cultural education and ensures a curriculum of breadth and balance.

We are extremely proud of everything that has been achieved so far and look forward to developing the arts ( art, music, drama and dance) further to build on the success of our Artsmark Gold Award. A huge well done to all our pupils, staff and governors for their hard work promoting and participating in the arts. Finally, a big thank you to our parents and carers for your support of our arts events and activities.

Clapgate Art Show!

The Arts Council organised our recent end of year art show in celebration of the Platinum Jubilee. The children were responsible for bringing together the art work from nursery to year 6 so that every child would be represented by a piece of work from this academic year. The Arts Council thought of art based activities to have in the hall space for children and families to enjoy. They created art posters to advertise the event, social media posts and invited important people. They also raised money for Wheatfield’s Hospice (in memory of our dear colleague, Ms Franklin) and for UNICEF Ukraine. The Arts Council  carried out an enterprise initiative, where they sold sketchbooks, pencils and rubbers. The money raised from this enterprise will be spent wisely and this is something that the Arts Council will be discussing at future meetings. The art show was held over 4 nights to allow children and families to visit the space safely and was very well attended by all key stages. We even made it into the local newspaper!

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