3FW – Gymnastics

During Spring 1, 3FW worked on gymnastics in PE as one of their topics with Mrs Clark. The unit began by recapping floor moves the children already knew from their gymnastics lessons in previous years. This included balances, rolls & jumps.

As the weeks continued, we looked at developing our move vocabulary and explored various pieces of apparatus. Forward rolls and forms of travelling such as leaps, scissor kicks and spins were developed on floor. While squat on, jump dismounts and squat through were explored on the vaults. On beam, the class focused upon creating a routine on the benches and vaults including a balance, change of direction and a jump. They even attempted forward rolls and cartwheels on the beam!

In the final week, children worked in groups to bring together their skills into a floor routine. This had to include a balance, roll, jump and travel each. The children did brilliantly at this- celebrating each others skills, sharing ideas positively and using the space creatively. The children took turns to perform their routines and also be “mini teachers” and share what groups had done well and how they could make it even better! The class also explored the climbing frame which all were very excited for. Fabulous creativity and strength on show! Well done to our 3FW gymnasts!

What The Student Says

"I love gymnastics" "I was scared on the vaults but kept going and now I feel really proud" "This is so much fun!" "Best lesson ever!" (when asked if they had enjoyed exploring the climbing frame) "I like working with my friends"

What skills were developed?

  • developed their rolling skills including log, dish to arch, tuck, teddy bear and forward roll
  • looked at forms of travelling- hop, skip, leap, cat leap, scissor kick & spin
  • used jumps in different settings including floor, beam and vault
  • explored apparatus with confidence and technique
  • discussed ideas in groups and collaborated with others
  • produced an end piece in groups of a routine featuring balance, jump, travel & roll

What the Teacher says

It has been wonderful to see 3FW progress their gymnastics skills this half term. Children had a variety of abilities but all have developed and it has been great to see them working together so positively throughout. They have risen to the various challenges and have constantly wanted to improve their performances. Children have come to lessons with a desire to learn and learn new aspects of gymnastics. It was lovely to see the skills they had learnt in their final group routines. The class should feel very proud of their achievements! Mrs Clark- PE Teacher

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