
Ah, music,” he said, wiping his eyes. A magic beyond all we do here!

- J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone

Children at Clapgate are given high-quality music teaching that encourages them to express themselves through the medium of music and help them develop a love and appreciation of music and the wider creative curriculum.

We understand the importance music can have for enriching children’s lives and education. Supported and delivered by enthusiastic specialist teaching staff, children at Clapgate are introduced to a variety of opportunities to develop their musical awareness and ability. Through interactive and engaging music lessons, we encourage a love and understanding of a wide range of music genres and traditions.

In partnership with Opera North,  opportunities will be created which allow the children to listen to a range of music, sing different styles, play string and brass instruments, and perform to a range of audiences. Lessons will encourage and develop musical creativity and freedom. Throughout their time in school, Clapgate children will engage in dedicated lessons to increase their knowledge of musicianship and to develop their practical skills.

Children at Clapgate understand music can help them share and express their emotions, improve their concentration, allow them to try something new and develop their confidence.

Overview of Subject Approach

Please see the document below which clearly outlines our Music teaching at Clapgate. 

Learner Profile of a Musician

Here you will find our subject learner profile for Music.

Medium Term Plans

All Medium Term plans can be requested from the In Harmony team.

Music Workshops and Trips

Music Workshops and Trips

Throughout the year, we have lots of exciting music workshops and trips planned. Different year groups and extra curricular groups will have the opportunity to work with music experts to learn more about this wonderful subject. Click the links below to find out more.

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