
The world is full of wonders but they become more wonderful, not less wonderful when science looks at them.

- Sir David Attenborough

At Clapgate, we understand the important role science plays in our pupils’ education and the wider world. We work on developing their scientific capital through providing a range of scientific opportunities beyond the classroom. Teachers regularly use outdoor learning to teach science and pupils benefit from the brilliant grounds we have, including our allotment and campfire area. Pupils at Clapgate also have access to weekly chemistry club, trips and visitors, and annual science week opportunities, including a science fair. encourage our children to develop a sense of curiosity and to investigate the world around them.

We ensure that all pupils make progress by carefully sequencing the learning so children’s understanding of scientific skills and knowledge are built on and links are made to make learning ‘stick’.

Our science teaching is underlined by our principles:

  • Lessons promote reasoning skills, resilience and the use of scientific vocabulary.
  • Lessons are practical, experiment based, accessible for all and child-led.
  • Lessons are active and take place outdoors.
  • Misconceptions are addressed.
  • Children are engaged and teachers are enthusiastic.
  • Children are curious and make good progress

Children carry out a range of experiments and investigations involving different types of approaches including; classifying and identifying, observation, pattern seeking, research and comparative and fair testing.

Overview of Subject Approach

Please see the document below which clearly outlines our science approach teaching at Clapgate. 

Learner Profile of a Scientist

Here you will find our subject learner profile for science.

Medium Term Plans

We have carefully sequenced medium-term plans for all year groups across the school. 

Please see below for some examples of what these look like. 

Skills Progression

Please follow the PLAN Resources link to view our skills progression documents for:

  • Progression in Vocabulary
  • Progression in Knowledge
  • Progression in Working Scientifically Skills
  • PLAN Resources

This will take you to an external website where you will need to select the relevant document and add it to your cart in order to download and view it. 

Science in EYFS

Science is an integral part of the EYFS curriculum. The children are exposed to Scientific language and have regular opportunities to use the five enquiry types through whole class lessons, small group activities and engaging continuous provision.  

Scientific experiences and opportunities are carefully planned from the objectives set out in the Early Years Framework, which underpin the curriculum planning for children in nursery and reception. Science significantly contributes to the area of ‘Understanding of the World’, particularly towards the ELG for ‘The Natural World’, by ensuring children develop early scientific ideas and processes through hands-on activities, practical exploration and outdoor experiences. These experiences will be clearly presented to the children as scientific through the use of ‘Science Sam’. The children will begin to identify what enquiry type they will need for each activity and will be able to apply their scientific skills and practice their scientific vocabulary.  

The children in EYFS will: 

  • Be encouraged to use their senses to explore the world around them 
  • Create observational drawings of plants, animals and humans 
  • Observe and discuss the changes that occur in each season 
  • Research information when writing fact files 
  • Learn about the life cycle of animals by observing chicks hatching and caterpillars turning into butterflies 
  • Explore the concepts of growth, change and decay through planting  
  • Carry out exciting experiments that answer questions such as “How do penguins survive in the icy water?”, “What do plants need to grow?”, “What is the quickest way to melt an ice cube?” 
  • Predict, observe, record and discuss 

Please see the links below for our EYFS curriculum documents which show the progression of learning in science for our youngest children in school. 

Additional Information

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