Year 1 – Printing with every day objects

Year 1 have been learning how to print using every day objects and items like bubble wrap, kitchen roll tubes, string, cotton reels, lollipop sticks and coins. they were encouraged to make lots of prints in their sketchbooks and to experiment with different colours.

Next, the children were encouraged to use parts of their body to make prints with their hands, fingers and feet. Again, the children had lots of opportunity to practise making different prints and mixing colours. 

Year one collected natural objects from the school grounds and brought them back to the art room to print with. They collected leaves, sticks, stones and pine cones to see what prints they would make. 

The children then had a go at making a symmetrical print which involved them painting something on one half of a piece of paper before folding the paper to make a symmetrical print.  They also had a go at making a simple repeat print.

Next, they created their own abstract print block using cardboard and string. They then used this print block to make a simple print.

Finally, the children used a small polystyrene tile to make a print block and used printing inks.

What The Student Says

“I loved printing. I have learnt how to use different things to print with.” “Printing was messy but good fun!” “I liked making my string, block print. I didn’t know you could do that.” “It was tricky working on the polystyrene tile. I had to be careful not to make a hole.”

What skills were developed?

  • learnt how to use different objects to make a print
  • apply the right amount of pressure to a printing tile/block
  • create their own print block using every day items
  • apply the correct amount of printing ink
  • roll firmly to the edges and corners of the block

What the Teacher says

“Year 1 have worked so hard this half term to learn lots of different ways of making simple prints. The children enjoyed working with a variety of different materials most of which were every day items that can be found around the home. They made some fantastic prints in their sketchbooks and enjoyed the experience of testing out different pressures and colours. They absolutely loved seeing their final block prints using a polystyrene tile and their own string and cardboard block print. Well done year one!”

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