Year 2 – Design Technology

Design Technology – Textiles – Puppet Making

Project Overview

Year 2 have really enjoyed making Amazon rainforest animal hand puppets.  

We started by looking at different types of puppets and sketching out ideas that we liked.  Then, having studied rainforest animals in our learning last half term, we designed our own puppets, thinking about colours, features and style.  After practising running stitch, we drew round a template and carefully cut out the front and back pieces as well as features such as ears, paws, teeth and eyes.  Finally, we used running stitch to sew the features on and joined the front and back pieces together.  We used our end products to act out a puppet show! 


What The Student Says

“It’s quite challenging to thread the needle!”

“I found it hard to cut the material but I felt good when I’d done it.”

“Sewing the small bits on was hard but when you have finished it you are proud of yourself.”

“I knew if I kept on trying it would get better and then I did some at home and I was perfect at it.”






What skills were developed?

The children have:

  • generated, developed and communicated ideas in discussion, through exploring pictures and designs and when planning.
  • joined textiles using different sewing techniques.
  • drawn round templates and cut fabric.
  • explored different finishing techniques, including sewing small parts.
  • evaluated the end product and considering improvements and changes.

What The Teacher Says

“We have been blown away by the children’s attitudes to the challenges they faced in this topic.  They have shown a great deal of determination in cutting out the intricate features and making sure the front and back pieces were cut to the same size.  They have risen to the challenge of trying to make sure their stitches were evenly sized and spaced. 

As a result of their efforts, the children have developed their sewing skills and some of them have become adept a threading a needle too! 

The finished animal puppets are fabulous!  The children are so proud of them.  They have evaluated them honestly and critically, which shows great maturity.”

– Mrs Stirk, Class Teacher

What The Student Says

What skills were developed?

What the Teacher says

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